30 November 2018
Ecosystem Internationalization Day; November 29, 2018
The Ecosystem Internationalization Day was held on November 29th, 2018 at the Vanha ylioppilastalo in Helsinki. Since 2017, the WALCC has facilitated the Autonomous Vehicles and Mobility Services (AVM) ecosystem together with the orchestration support of Synocus and financial support of Business Finland. In addition to this Synocus serves as the co-orchestrator of several other ecosystems.
These orchestration experiences show there are several elements in common across business sectors in ecosystem development. This offers significant opportunities to learn from each other, as the maturity, degree of internationalization, and relative size of the business sector provide differing depths of understanding of the multi-dimensional character of ecosystems.
The Ecosystem Internationalization Day brought together professionals to share their experiences and offered opportunities for deep reflection on how ecosystems challenge the way we think about business. The event focused on discussions framed by short insightful and provocative comments from senior executives sharing their most important learnings from their own domains.
The participants were assigned seating with the ambition to have different ecosystems represented at each table, enabling true cross-fertilization during the day.
The discussions were grounded in the premise that successful ecosystems share three characteristics in common:
- The ecosystem vision attracts participants to engage in in-depth collaboration to develop new knowledge and initiate demonstrations and market co-creation supporting the individual firms and strengthening the ecosystem.
- Anchored in an in-depth, trustful relationship between the orchestrator and the participating organizations, the collaboration evolves step-by-step, driving the reconfiguration of the ecosystem based on the established social platform.
- The ecosystem is iteratively developed based on the complementarity of the participating organizations catalyzed through agreed-upon joint actions.
Download the agenda here.