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Guiding and inspiring

We mobilize expertise to guide the ecosystems in the right direction. At the same time, this inspires ecosystem participants to intensify the collaborative efforts.

Business orchestration

The orchestrator of an ecosystem must be able to provide the members with situational awareness and concrete actions at the same time. The members of the ecosystem are the key source when mobilizing action. External expertise, in turn, can provide eye-opening insights when establishing situational awareness. The Business Orchestration book provides the background.

Learn more about business orchestration in the book:

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Deepening insights

Ecosystem participation can be a way to mitigate key business uncertainties

The environmental contexts in which organizations exist are changing, at an increasing rate and towards increasing complexity. Managers must think deeply about the future and engage with external stakeholders to broaden their perspectives. Synocus supports organizations to deal with such changes. One example is documented in the Eco Urban Living report where we developed scenarios about the future of urban transport.

Learn more in the Eco Urban Living report:


The firm consists of its values and goals, the business model, and the value-creating processes

The notion of the ‘Business Idea’, developed by Richard Normann in the 1970s, is the foundation of Synocus’s concept development tradition. Later, Normann and Ramírez introduced the concept of Value Co-Production, which was operationalized by Synocus in the Three-Dimensional Offering. The conceptual foundation of Synocus and its evolution is described in the doctoral dissertation Customer Orientation and Competence Building.

Learn more in the dissertation:


Reconfiguration is needed to keep a company changing in a continuous fashion

What part of the environment to interact with is an important strategic consideration. We are working with leading experts in institutions like UC Berkeley, the University of Tokyo, and Tsinghua University to help our ecosystem members to become global leaders in their own domains. By organizing events where they can interact with the experts, we strengthen the cohesion of the ecosystem and provide participants with deeper insights into their business development issues.

Read more about our workshop with professor David Teece:


Learn more about the Ecosystem Internationalization Day seminar.


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